New media twist to old Shakespearean classic Romeo & Juliet

There’s the classic stage production at Stratford-on-Avon and at the Globe in London. Then, there’s the movie version by Franco Zeffirellii and an updated version starring Leonardo di Caprio ! Now, in a new Twitter-twist to an old bard’s tale of Romeo & Juliet, the Royal Shakespeare Company is presenting the story of forbidden love and star-crossed lovers through Twitter!

For five weeks, the stars of the show will be Tweeting their lines to be followed by the audience. This is meant to give an update on the old tale to make it more contemporary and to connect with the tec-generation teens of today.

You can catch some of their tweets here:

The production is aptly called ‘Such Tweet Sorrow’ and you can follow the tweets as the story unfolds. Talk about an interesting style of digital storytelling!

Well, you tell me…does a rose by any other name smell just as tweet?

Or what do you think of the following that I’ve concocted?If Shakespeare had Twitter: Brevity is the soul of tweet. 1:41 PM Jun 25th, 2009 via web

If Shakespeare had Twitter: What’s in a name? That which we call a tweet by any other name would smell as sweet. 1:41 PM Jun 25th, 2009 via web   

  • If Shakespeare had Twitter: Beware the tweets of March. 1:40 PM Jun 25th, 2009 via web
  • If Shakespeare had Twitter: To tweet or not to tweet; that is the question 1:40 PM Jun 25th, 2009 via web

    Youtube fame for Taiwan’s ‘Susan Boyle’

    Susan Boyle’s astounding rise to fame, thanks to Youtube, is still on many minds.

    Now, a 24-year old Taiwanese male is set to follow her example. Lin Chu Yun, also known as ‘Taiwan’s Susan Boyle’ has wowed audiences with his amazing rendition of Whitney Houston’s “I will always love you”. I’m sure Whitney would have been moved to tears! 

    His singing of the song at the talent show, Super Star Avenue, on Youtube, has garnered more than 3 million hits to date, and still counting.

    Again, just like in Boyle’s case, what has surprised judges and audiences is that his voice and his outlook doesn’t gel. If you didn’t look at him, you would have thought that it was Boyle, or even Whitney singing!

    Well, Youtube has proven to be a good avenue to be known and to be heard by the world. Way to go!