Australian man auctions off his life on ebay

Often after a breakup or a divorce, the heartbroken yearn for a change – they want to move away from the person, place and things that remind them of their heartbreak. Some move to a new town, or new country; some change jobs and some try to change their identity by changing their looks, their friends, their lifestyle. But no one has been so extreme as to change his life – his house, his job, his friends and more! 

About a week ago, on 22 June 2008, Aussie Ian Usher, aged 44 put his whole life on auction on ebay. He was tired of his life after his painful divorce and wanted to start afresh with the money he would receive from the auction. After a week of bids, the auction closed on 29 June 2008, with the winning bidder paying “A$399,300 for all of Usher’s worldly goods, which also include his friends, a motorcycle and a jetski”.

I doubt if Usher would have taken out an ad to sell himself in mainstream papers but new media definitley makes it easier! Not only has he put his life on auction on ebay, he’s also created a website, a blog, video lifestreaming of the auction event so that spectators across the world can follow the happenings, and you can read about his life, his background, and even view the photos and plans of his house! People can even get involved by taking part in a poll on his website, write in his guest book and contact him personally too.

This is looking very much like one comprehensive new media marketing strategy!

Anyway, would you ever auction off your life like that? And if you would, how would you use new media to do that?